Fishersville, VA 1867

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Fishersville, VA 1867


J. W. Bosworth


September 2, 1867

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Fishersville, Va.
Sept 2nd 1867
Dear Pa,
Soon after reaching Augusta, I wrote
you a brief letter, that in due time, I might
receive a letter with the news from home, but
almost a month has passed and yet no letter.
It is always a source of pleasure and satisfaction
to get even a scrap from home. Mattie has
been the recipient of but one letter from Beverly, or
two, I believe, and has written twice home. I requested
that if any letter cam for me to forward them –
I have received no forwarded letters either – I hope
that all of you will remember that my fondness
and attachment for home is not obliterated –
and Mattie seems just as anxious and solicitous
as myself about you all. & expresses a constant
desire to hear from you and gratefully remembers
the family & relatives – She has been enjoying
fine health for a month. I have [have] had a
very severe cold for a few days, but this morning is
much better—hope soon to be entirely rid of it.
The health of the family is quite good –
and but my little sickness in the country –
the presumption was that after such a monster
war diseases would ravish the land – reasoning from
history analogically – but such has not been the case.
An almost unexampled reign of health instead.

[End of Page 1]

The political condition of this state is
dark as is that of the whole country.—a war of
races is much feared by many. and confiscation
is really staring the Southern people brazenly in
the face – but the better plan, I presume, is to take
trouble as it comes – and not seek it.
The wheat crop in the valley is very good.
[Dr. Gold’s] wheat was the finest quality.
I suppose there has only been about one
fourth of the crop threshed wheat is
worth about $1.73 – will get down lower—
In my last letter I wrote you of the price
of wheat in Crab Bottom—I was told there
that it was selling at $1.00 per bushel—
It will be lower there than in Augusta as the
Richmond market controls prices here – I
expect in Rockingham is cheaper—
The corn crop is not very promising in this
particular locality, though in other sections
it is reported good—the fruit is excellent
and quite abundant—[unintelligible: name] apple trees are
breaking down with their loads.—He is fattening
hogs with these that fall.—
In my last letter I wrote a note and enclosed
it after finishing, concerning Silas Blackman
and Kent—Beck directed me to say that
she would board them – and Mr. Raymond
will take them at $45 – per session of ten months—

[End of Page 2]

I am going to take two young men here – if they
would prefer it, I will take Kent and Silas
for a little less than Raymond would. I don’t
know of a better place in the whole country
than this morally, socially, and by far the cheapest.
When you write Pa, tell me how the corn is
coming on—had a slight frost here night before
last—tho’ it injured nothing – Have they succeeded
in getting a teacher in Beverly? – Does Newt
expect to continue with Hanshaw? – How does
Hold do? I wrote you to inquire after the
prices of lots in town mentioning them –
I have not yet offered for practice—have
written to Balf. for Pill Bags & some few med—
will try it for one year, if attended with no
success, will accede to your proposition – to
try it at Beverly – but should I succeed
live in deference to Mattie’s choice
and whishes will remain, tho’ she would go
wherever I desire to go.—I have no other
news—the family wish to be remembered to
you an ma—I hope soon to hear from you.
Mattie encloses a letter to ma – My love
to alla t home—at Mary’s Aunt Genie’s -- & Aunt
Edie’s – Mattie joins me{ Very affectionately, Yr Son
J. M. Bosworth --



J. W. Bosworth, “Fishersville, VA 1867,” The Bosworth Letters, accessed January 31, 2025,

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